The SQL EXP() function is a mathematical function that calculates the exponential value of a given number. It is commonly used in SQL queries to calculate exponential values of numbers stored in a database table.


The syntax of the SQL EXP() function is:


Where number is the input value for which the exponential value needs to be calculated.


For example, if you want to calculate the exponential value of 2, you can use the following SQL query:


This will return the result as 7.38905609893065. The EXP() function uses the constant value e (Euler’s number) as the base of the exponential function.

You can also use a column name as the input value for the EXP() function in a SQL query. For example, consider a table named “sales” with two columns “amount” and “id”. If you want to calculate the exponential value of the “amount” column for each row in the table, you can use the following SQL query:

id, amount, EXP(amount) as exp_amount 
FROM sales;

This query will return a result set with three columns: “id”, “amount”, and “exp_amount”. The “exp_amount” column will contain the exponential value of the “amount” column for each row.

In conclusion, the SQL EXP() function is a useful mathematical function that can be used in SQL queries to calculate exponential values. It is a handy tool for performing complex mathematical calculations in SQL queries.